Obesity vs. COVID-19: Which is Worse?
August 23, 2020
Obesity: 113% Increased Risk of COVID-19 Hospitalization
September 23, 2020Intermittent Fasting

“Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, because it gives you energy for the rest of the day. But it doesn’t matter when you eat breakfast.” This quote is from an advertisement promoting intermittent fasting.
This quote should alarm those of us who need energy all day. Demanding jobs require our full energy and attention. So putting off breakfast, a key energy source, until noon is unwise.
“It Works For Me”
Different people respond to food differently. Some people may skip breakfast every day and still perform well in demanding jobs.
However, for many people, depriving the body of breakfast feels like torture. Food is fuel for the body. Without breakfast in the morning, many people feel mentally slow and physically sluggish.
These negative side effects make sense. Depriving the body of nutrients it needs often means that the body will not perform well.
Key Point
Listen to your body. Depriving the body of the food/fuel it needs could decrease mental performance.
Does Intermittent Fasting Work?
Common sense tells us that depriving the body of food for extended periods of time could lead to weight loss. Again, intermittent fasting could work for weight loss. But it can also negatively impact brain function.
Actors like Hugh Jackman and Terry Crews do or have done intermittent fasting. However, looking extremely fit is a major component of their jobs. Many actors are paid to look fit. So even if they did experience negative side effects, they may have pushed through them for the sake of their jobs.
Key Point
Not eating for extended periods of time could lead to weight loss, but could have other negative side effects.