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April 14, 2020Vigorous Exercise Can Lead To Irreversible Injuries, Including Macular Degeneration

A recent study demonstrates that vigorous exercise could have unanticipated negative effects on your body.(1) The study found a positive correlation between macular degeneration and men who exercised vigorously. In fact, there was a 54 percent increased risk of macular degeneration among men ages 45 to 64 who exercised vigorously.
Pain and Injury
For some, the goal of exercise is pain and exhaustion. After all, doesn’t the saying go, “no pain, no gain?” Their goal is to jump repeatedly, do burpees, lift the heaviest weights, or stay on a stationary bike, treadmill, or elliptical machine for as long as they can, thinking that the more they sweat, the more they achieve.
We’ve known for years that vigorous exercise commonly results in knee or back pain. But now we know that that vigorous exercise could cause injuries in unexpected parts of the human body, such as the eyes.
Key Point
Key Point: Vigorous exercise can take a toll not only on joints, but also other body parts.
No Pain, No Gain?
Perhaps the saying, “no pain, no gain” misleads some people to push their bodies too hard during exercise. Some people welcome unnecessary physical pain as an achievement. They think that the best way to achieve fitness results is exhausting exercise and muscles that burn so much, they feel like they’re on fire. Some people yearn for quick and dramatic results; the more pain, the more gain.
Unnecessary pain could actually be a sign of injury. For, as a result of extreme exercise, some people suffer negative consequences like macular degeneration. Too often, people quit exercising after only a few days or weeks because they have burnt themselves out. Perhaps their bodies were signaling that extreme exercise harms their organs.
Key Point
Key Point: Aim for challenging workouts, but not excessive pain.
Workout Mentality
The study on vigorous exercise and macular degeneration indicates that more pain should not be the goal, unless you’re willing to risk permanently harming your eyes and other vital parts of your body.
Is there a way to get physical results to simply look and feel healthy, without excessive pain? There certainly is. In fact, consistent and doable daily exercise could be healthier and more effective than short bursts of painful exercise. It’s reasonable to exercise intelligently and consistently by avoiding unnecessary physical pain and completing a program that works.
Key Point
Key Point: Consistent exercise gets results without unnecessary pain.
How to Exercise for Results
How does the above relate to Ocinator? The study’s conclusion is consistent with Ocinator’s “less pain, longer lasting gain” mentality; Ocinator workouts were designed to minimize exhaustion and pain by minimizing exercise repetitions and workout time. These two factors allow you to define your muscles, while keeping you from straining your body excessively.
Ocinator’s 20-Minute Daily Workouts show you exactly how to exercise every day. This eliminates doubts about the effectiveness of mixing and matching different workout routines. The difference between Ocinator and other workout programs is simple. Ocinator is a smart, well thought-out program designed to achieve longer lasting gains. It was designed by engineers from a top university.
Key Point
Key Point: Exercise for results, not exhaustion.
1. Rim TH, Kim HK, Kim JW, Lee JS, Kim DW, Kim SS. A Nationwide Cohort Study on the Association Between Past Physical Activity and Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration in an East Asian Population. JAMA Ophthalmol. Published online December 14, 2017. doi:10.1001/jamaophthalmol.2017.5682